Our Mission

  • Empower Computer Science teachers in the classroom.
  • Provide every student with the tools they need to learn to code.

Our Story

Pickcode was founded by Charlie Meyer. While working as a CS teacher outside Boston, Charlie saw firsthand how teachers and students were underserved by current coding tools. After his first year in the classroom, Charlie won the “Rookie of the Year” award from Massachusetts STEM Hub, part of The One8 Foundation.

Based on his experiences, Charlie created Pickcode, which is designed to lower the barrier of entry to coding for students. Since launching in 2022, Pickcode has been tried by over 200,000 students worldwide as a part of code.org's Hour of Code initiative.

After this early success, in 2023 Charlie partnered with two co-founders, Colin Hamiliton as CTO and Andrew Pettit as COO. The Pickcode team is committed to empowering educators to teach and students to learn to code.

Sign up now to try a free lesson. or book a demo to get your classroom started today.

Our Team

Charlie Meyer

Colin Hamilton

Andrew Pettit

Good Boy

© 2024 Pickcode Technologies, LLC