Request your 90 day free trial today

  1. 1 Schedule your setup call

    Fill out the form below to schedule a call with our team. If you don't have time for a call, contact us at and we can still get you set up.

  2. 2 Start your trial

    On your setup call, we'll create your account and walk you through the platform so that you can make the most of your trial.

  3. 3 Enjoy trying Pickcode!

    We'll help you get signed up with a semester or yearly subscription after your trial.

What teachers say

I have to say that the interface is simple but expansive, and my students love it - of all ages! I strongly recommend Pickcode for teachers to teach programming at all levels.

- Adam, HS Teacher, California

Bottom line, the kids are telling me they like it, that it's simpler to use than other platforms we've tried. If they like it, it's great for me. They need to have a good experience, makes my job easy!

- Glenn, HS Teacher, Connecticut

What makes Pickcode unique is how easy it is to use for students and educators. It was designed for learning and its beautiful learning environment sets students, schools, and families up for success. We're looking forward to many more years of growth and student impact together!

- Sabina Bharwani, CEO, Hello World CS

Pickcode is a hit with my students. The user-friendly interface makes it very easy for students to navigate!

- Crystal, HS Teacher, Massachusetts

I feel as though my students were able to learn a lot more from Pickcode than they do from our typical work. Many students said that they found it to be a lot more enjoyable than the activities that they are used to, and they are looking forward to using it in our next session!

- Jasmine, After School Coordinator, Massachusetts


How much does Pickcode cost?

Our plans start at $599/year and prices scale depending on the number of students who need to access the platform. We also offer semester plans starting at $349.

Do I need to do the setup call?

We find that teachers are most successful if we can work together to set you up, but if you don't have time we can answer questions over email and provide written/video documentation. Feel free to contact us directly at

Do you sign data privacy agreements?

We are happy to sign a privacy agreement with your school. We are members of the Student Data Privacy Consortium and have already signed agreements with schools in multiple states.

Can I extend my trial while my school processes payment?

Yes! Once you've received approval from your school for purchasing a plan, we can continue your trial until the purchase is complete.

© 2025 Pickcode Technologies, LLC